Before We Dive Into Avengers: Endgame, Here's a List of Where We Last Saw All the Avengers

Before We Dive Into Avengers: Endgame, Here's a List of Where We Last Saw All the Avengers


With the release of Avengers: Endgame practically right around the corner, there's a lot to remember. We're not 100 percent sure what's going to happen, but we have ideas, and even they're a lot to process. But the most important thing we definitely need to know before Endgame is where everyone ended up when we left them in Avengers: Infinity War. I know this is gonna hurt, but be strong, guys. Let's take this painful trip down memory lane together and go over where we last saw all the Avengers.

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Still crying over the death of her boyfriend, Vision, Wanda evaporates to dust from Thanos's snap.


War Machine is one of the Avengers to survive Thanos's snap in Infinity War and is last seen in Wakanda.


In a truly tragic moment, Okoye watches as Black Panther, aka King T'Challa, turns to dust. She's last seen in the fields of Wakanda.


Black Widow survives Thanos's universe-shattering snap and is last seen in the fields of Wakanda.


Ant-Man misses all the Infinity War action because he's on house arrest. However, at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp, he winds up stuck floating in the Quantum Realm after Hope, Janet, and Hank disintegrate.


Drax turns to dust from the snap on Titan with the rest of the Guardians.


Hill is last seen being snapped into dust in the Infinity War postcredits scene.


Teen Groot gets blown away as a result of the snap.


Though she's not visually seen anytime before Infinity War, Fury does call Captain Marvel in the postcredits scene. So her insignia is seen! We have no idea where she is before that, but based on how Captain Marvel ends, we'll say space!


In order to get the Soul Stone, Thanos throws Gamora to her death off a steep, tall cliff.


Rocket is the only member from the Guardians of the Galaxy who makes it, and he's last seen on the fields of Wakanda.


The snap gets Mantis on Titan as well.


Falcon also evaporates because of the snap while fighting in Wakanda.


Nebula does not get vaporized, leaving her stranded on the planet Titan with Tony Stark.


Thor is last seen in Wakanda, having just struck Thanos with his ax and still having to watch him make that fatal snap.


This poor guy dies twice in Infinity War. The first time, as an attempt to stop Thanos, Scarlet Witch obliterates the Mind Stone (which is embedded in Vision's forehead) with her magical powers. Thanos uses the Time Stone to rewind time, undo Scarlet Witch's magic, and bring Vision back to life. Then he wrenches the Mind Stone from his forehead, killing him again.


Much like Shuri, we don't see Wong die. The last time we do see him, he's heading back to protect the New York Sanctum.


Doctor Strange disintegrates on Titan because of the snap.


After seeing almost everyone around him turn to dust, Tony is left on Titan with Nebula.


Bucky is turned to dust by the snap in Wakanda.


Hope gets turned to dust in the postcredits scene of Ant-Man and the Wasp.


Bruce is last seen with the rest of the remaining Avengers in Wakanda.


Okoye watches, bewildered, as the snap takes Black Panther in the fields of Wakanda.


Fury turns to dust with Hill in the wild streets of New York City.


Captain America has to watch all his buddies turn to dust in Wakanda.


While we don't know for sure that Shuri survived Thanos's snap, we don't see her die. That's a good indicator that she's probably still alive in Wakanda.


Hawkeye is noticeably absent from Infinity War, but the heroes do mention that he's on house arrest with his family.


Star-Lord also disintegrates because of the snap while on Titan.


You know where he is.

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