New MacBook Air is easier to repair

New MacBook Air is easier to repair

But it still only gets a 3 out of 10 from iFixit.

Apple calls their new MacBook Air "the greenest MacBook ever." They are proud of their Recycled aluminum, and I have admired their product longevity. But one of the most important Rs in our list of 7 is Repair, and Apple products have long been criticized for their lack of repairability. Katherine quoted a favourite source recently:

iFixit gives some beautiful perspective: "Would you buy a car if it was illegal to replace the tires? Would you buy a bike if you couldn't fix the chain?" The idea is outrageous, of course.

Now the iFixit team have got their pentalobe drivers on the new MacBook Air and while they are still underwhelmed, they consider it a step in the right direction.

© iFixit

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