10 Houseplant Hacks That Will Forever Change the Way You Care For Your Leafy Greens

10 Houseplant Hacks That Will Forever Change the Way You Care For Your Leafy Greens

We've all been there: you buy a cute new plant for your house or patio with the mindset that this time things will be different. But three weeks later, you see a familiar sight . . . that adorable little plant you had hope for is yellow, wilted, and sad. But turning your brown thumb green isn't as hard as you think. With a little bit of effort and a couple of proven tricks, you'll soon have a whole colony of happy, healthy, and beautiful plants! From using coffee grounds as fertilizer to utilizing hydrogen peroxide in your medicine cabinet for root rot — there are tons of proven tricks that leafy greens love. Try these 10 out for yourself, and never kill a houseplant again!

— Additional reporting by Haley Lyndes

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