20 Stereotypes About Birth Order That Are 100 Percent True

20 Stereotypes About Birth Order That Are 100 Percent True

17 Firstborns are controlling.

Firstborns often find that their status as the main object of their parents’ affection is significantly altered by the presence of one or many siblings. This often leads to firstborns trying to regain some control, or being particularly rule-abiding. Apparently, plenty of firstborns know this about themselves, as well: according to YouGov’s data, firstborns consider themselves more responsible and more organized than their siblings.

“Firstborn children have only their parents to look up to, whereas kids who are born second, third, fourth, etc., look up to other children (their siblings) for social cues and how to be. It puts the firstborn child in a natural position of leadership over the siblings, which can create a perception of control. That perception can continue into adulthood, creating a controlling adult,” says Wright.