20 Stereotypes About Birth Order That Are 100 Percent True

20 Stereotypes About Birth Order That Are 100 Percent True

9 Firstborns are high achievers.

If you think that it’s a myth that the eldest in families tend to be high achievers, think again. Many famous people—from Beyoncé to Emma Watson to Taylor Swift—are the firstborn in their family, and having the benefit of being the sole object of their parents’ attention for a number of years often means these folks set high standards for themselves, with only adult role models to base their own behavior on.

“Until another child is born, only adults are present, and they grow to respect authority and seek approval through perfectionism of those they see above them,” says Krawiec. “Firstborns get to see parents and grandparents beam with pride for every first-time achievement, fueling the need for these kids to get their worth from achievement. And when you want to maximize your own achievement, discover the 40 Best Ways to Jumpstart Your Career.