30 Dumbest Arguments You Have with Your Spouse

30 Dumbest Arguments You Have with Your Spouse

4 The “I cook, you clean” debate. (And vice versa.)

When you spend hours slaving away in the kitchen over a home-cooked meal, you might feel like you’ve earned the right to simply sit back while your other half cleans up the mess. But if your spouse never agreed to this arrangement, then they might feel like they’re getting the short end of the stick, leading to an unnecessary fight with no purpose. Next time, just check in with your spouse and make sure this set-up works before you start cooking—and if it’s not, you can either both cook and both clean, or you can just opt for take-out. And before you cook, read up on these 17 Ways You’re Using Your Kitchen All Wrong.

5 Why there’s no toilet paper.

Yes, sitting down on the toilet only to find that the toilet paper roll is empty is frustrating beyond belief, but does it really warrant an all-out screaming fest? It might feel like your wife not replacing the empty roll means that they don’t care about you or your needs, but it’s more likely that they just got too lazy to walk over to the cabinet to retrieve a new one. Replace the roll, remind your partner that they can’t just leave you hanging when you go to do your business, and move on with your day. The fight isn’t worth it.