30 Things You’re Doing That You Don’t Realize Are Annoying Your Roommates

30 Things You’re Doing That You Don’t Realize Are Annoying Your Roommates


29 Singing That Song Stuck In Your Head.

Sure, in your head, you’ve got a set of pipes like Mariah Carey. But experts estimate that only one in 10,000 people possesses perfect pitch, meaning that whatever you’re hearing in your head has a roughly 9,999 out of 10,000 chance to sound nothing like what you imagine. Next time you catch yourself repeating a catchy chorus ad nauseam, look around first to make sure nobody else is home.


30 Leaving Your Alarm Ringing

Everyone’s done it: you hit snooze, and hit it again, and again, until, eventually, you’ve embarked on a journey to dreamland far longer than you intended. All the while, your alarm’s ringing. The disturbance is minimal to you, sleepyhead, but the annoyance to others is tremendous. It’s important to nip this habit in the bud: Use your phone’s alarm, instead of a clock, and set it so it’s only possible to “snooze” once or twice. And for more insight into that trusty do-it-all device, learn the 20 Things You Didn’t Know Your Smartphone Could Do.

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