40 Relationship Tips That Are Actually Terrible Advice

40 Relationship Tips That Are Actually Terrible Advice

When things get tough in a relationship (or on the dating scene), it’s natural to seek out the advice of friends, family, and even experts. Unfortunately, not all love advice is created equal, and some of the most frequently-mentioned recommendations could potentially do more harm than good.

These are the little bits of “wisdom” relationship pros wish people would stop listening to immediately. And for more on what mistakes you shouldn’t make, check out the 40 Worst Mistakes Married People Make.

1 “Living Together Is A Great Way to Test The Waters for The Future”

The problem with this advice is that very few couples have a seamless move-in experience, which means it’s easy to assume that a few hiccups along the way mean your relationship is doomed.

“Healthy, happy couples don’t start out compatible,” explains Patty Newbold, a marriage educator. “They build their relationship skills dealing with the small differences so that they’re ready for the big ones that come along later. Create a lifestyle and a home you’re both compatible with, and do it together, so you’re ready for whatever illnesses, losses, disabilities, career changes, lapses in character, and childrearing challenges might come up later.” And for some warning signs you should keep a keen eye out for, learn the 20 Surefire Signs Your Relationship Is Over.