Mom sends her overseas son a picture of his dog. Every. Single. Day. (34 Photos) 1Imgur/Baja29reallyiam2 One of hardest parts of life is when you have to be separated from a loved one, whether it’s family, friends or even your pet. But we find ways to cope, and one mom on Imgur figured out the most beautiful way to stay connected with her son that moved overseas, and to let him know she was thinking about him. A year prior to this story starting, her son really wanted a dog. According to the post, her husband made the him walk about the block twice a day with a leash, for an entire year in order to earn the privilege of owning a dog. He never missed a day. So, he got the dog. Then he found out that he got into a program overseas that would take him away for 9 months, and it broke his heart. 1 2 3 4 5 Next Page