This Is What Happens to Your Body on an Airplane

This Is What Happens to Your Body on an Airplane

4 Your skin dries up.

Your skin is happiest when the humidity is between 40 to 70 percent. On an airplane, the humidity levels are at about 20 percent—and as a result, your skin is drier than the Sahara. And though it would logically make sense to use a moisturizer to combat these circumstances, assistant clinical professor in dermatology Elizabeth Tanzi explained to Allure that “when there is no water in the air, moisturizers don’t work as well since there is nothing to grab onto.” Her recommendation? Opt for products containing hyaluronic acid, like this serum from Sephora ($35). And if scaly skin is something you deal with on a regular basis, make sure you’re not doing any of these 20 Habits That Make Dry Skin Worse.