Why Every Orange Is the New Black Inmate Is in Prison

Why Every Orange Is the New Black Inmate Is in Prison

It's likely been quite some time since you finished binging season five of Orange Is the New Black, which means you probably need a few reminders about your favorite characters. Netflix's prison comedy is as great as ever in season six, but it contains less flashbacks than any other season before it. Because of that, remembering how each character ended up at Litchfield to begin with might prove tricky. In case you missed anything, here's the definitive guide to exactly what each inmate did wrong — besides getting caught, obviously. Oh, major spoiler alert if you haven't seen up to season four!

— Additional reporting by Amanda Rosenberg

Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren


Before we find out about Suzanne's crime, we get a taste of her upbringing. She was adopted by a white, suburban couple, and despite loving her daughter, Suzanne's mother often pushed her to accomplish more than she was comfortable with — like singing a song at her graduation.

A season four flashback reveals that Suzanne used to work as a greeter at a superstore. One day, she sees a kid whose family she knows from the store at the park, and she brings him home to play videogames with her. After a while, he wants to go home, but she doesn't understand. He tries to use the fire escape to leave, but falls — presumably to his death. It's one of the darkest backstories we've seen on the show.